Stay Up to Date With Neighborhood Events and News
Code Enforcement
For any questions or concerns about Eby Creek Mesa's Code, Covenants, and Regulations enforcement, or to report a code violation, please contact
We are trying to gather an e-mail database for the association. Email addresses will not be shared with anyone to protect your privacy and your computer. They will only be used for Association business. If you could please email us from your preferred address along with your name and lot #, we will add you to this list:
Political Signs
7.4 Signs. With the exception of one "For Rent" or "For Sale" sign (which shall not be larger than 18 x 32 inches), one sign bearing the name of the owner or occupant of a lot (which shall not be larger than 4 x 18 inches) and an entrance gate sign at each entrance of the Subdivision, of a type and design approved by the Architectural Committee, no signs of any kind shall be erected, displayed, or permitted to remain on any tract.
However, Senate Bill 05-100 and 06-089 says we must allow one sign per candidate or issue 45 days prior and 7 days after an election in a window or within the boundaries of the unit.
We have installed waste bag dispensers at each entrance to the park as well as at the shelter for easier clean up. It is your responsibility to clean up after your pooch. We hope this makes it easier so the park will be more enjoyable for everyone.
Section 7.6 of the Declaration of Covenants requires dogs to be on a leash at all times. Please keep your dogs under control. Eagle County Animal Control (328-DOGS) is available to assist with any problems.
Landscape Plan and Fence Construction Approval
Landscape plans and fencing not shown on your original plan approval must be submitted to the DRB prior to commencement of any work. Please call any Board member for the time and location of the next meeting.
No Open Burning
here is absolutely no open burning allowed in Eby Creek Mesa. Please report any infractions to the Board at
Address Changes
Please let us know if your address or phone number changes. E-mail to or mail changes to P.O. Box 1795, Eagle, CO 81631.
Should you be interested in attending an HOA meeting, we'd be happy to have you. Please check the association calendar (in the menu above) to find out when and where the next meeting is.
You may also contact
Per Paragraph 7.10 of the Declaration of Covenants of Eby Creek Mesa “No boats, unregistered automobiles, automobile parts, heavy construction equipment, trucks larger than a 3/4 ton pick-up truck, buses, mobile homes, trailers or campers shall be placed or stored on or about any lot unless garaged or screened from public view.”
Please reach out to the DRB if you desire to submit an application to erect a screening structure on your lot.
Park Use
The park is private property for the use of Eby Creek residents and their guests. If you know this is being violated and feel comfortable doing so, please contact the Eagle County Sheriff to handle the situation.
The pavilion is on a first come first served basis. If you plan to use the pavilion for a gathering, please submit a reservation request.
Access to BLM
The access to the HOA open space at the north end of Mesa Dr. is an access easement only. There is no parking allowed. Please park in the lot at the park. There is no public access to the BLM from Eby Creek Mesa. You must cross our open space to get to the BLM so this access is only for the benefit and use of Eby Creek residents and their guests. There are no motorized vehicles allowed on either the Eby Creek open space or the BLM.
BLM Management and Fire Mitigation
The Greater Eagle Fire Protection District will be doing controlled burns in the BLM land behind Eby Creek Mesa from time to time in 2023.
For more information please check out their VIDEO or contact Wildland Coordinator Hugh Fairfield-Smith
Moving forward, we will longer be providing a large dumpster at the park. The landfill offers a punch pass for Eagle County Residents.
Eagle County Landfill offers a Residential Clean-up Free Pass good for the entire calendar year in which the card is issued. This punch pass will be good for residential customers only and will be limited to 1600 lbs. trash and 4 tires.
For more information on how to obtain your Residential Clean-up Free Pass, call 926-3626 or visit us on the web at
Bear Sighting
Be Bear Aware. It is not unusual to observe a bear in Eby Creek Mesa.
To avoid issues, the Department of Wildlife recommends that you lock up your trash, remove hummingbird feeders and run your barbeque for 5 minutes to burn off the food after using it.
If you have such an encounter please call the Div. of Wildlife at 970-947-2920.
If you want to make a report at night call the State Highway Patrol at 970-824-6501.